Swarna Taylor

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Swarna Taylor

Crisis-counsellor, co-founder of a local women of colour group

Born in Sri Lanka, Swarna Taylor began life in an orphanage before being adopted at 4 months old and brought to live in Australia amongst a predominantly white community. Being raised in white culture, without connection to her heritage or original family, has given her a unique perspective on what it means to be a person of colour in Australia and the challenge of identity.

As a traveller, student of meditation, crisis counsellor and the co-creator of a local women of color group Swarna is passionate about supporting personal and cultural transformation through creative expression, authentic relating and deep listening.

At 27 Swarna was diagnosed with cancer, soon followed by the passing of her sister. These events initiated a deep dive into understanding death, life and freedom, shaping an understanding of the power our original stories hold. 

Swarna identifies as ‘the average brownie’, your friend, neighbour, workmate etc that doesn’t have a huge insta following, platform or resume signalling the value of her voice and perspective as a person of colour. Swarna’s context comes from lived experience, deep enquiry and the examination of ordinary moments. She is an advocate for conversations on race, power and privilege, unpacking the hidden attitudes that write the scripts of our culture and how we each contribute to writing them.

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SpeakerElla Rose Goninan