Rolf von Behrens

Rolf von Behrens

Regen Ventures + Advisor to impact, regenerative & post-blockchain projects

Rolf has spent over two decades working across Australia, Europe and Silicon Valley focused on the realms of innovation, startups, digital strategy and impact.  He is currently working on several ecovillage projects and birthing Regen Ventures; an incubator for planet-scale ultra-high-leverage regenerative solutions. Rolf is also chief-editor for Impact Tribe: a newsletter for impact-focused investors and individuals and acts as an advisor to regenerative, post-blockchain and impact projects.  Convinced that efficient, post-blockchain technologies have the potential to address many of our systemic challenges, Rolf has included a significant focus on digital ledger technologies and their applicability to impact projects since 2017.  He holds a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Information Systems and is a Fellow of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership [Now the Monash Sustainable Development Institute.] Rolf is particularly interested in new models for community living, food security and resilient systems. His favourite high-impact project is Holochain.

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SpeakerElla Rose Goninan