Cheryl Smith

Cheryl Smith

Farmer and apothecarist, Solum Farm, co-founder Organic Matters

Cheryl is a farmer with over 25 years’ experience of living on the land on both inland and coastal farms.

With one hand on the keyboard and the other in the soil, you will find her in her apothecary distilling aromatic and medicinal herbs, farming and writing about all things regenerative agriculture, plant medicine and ecology. Using a copper alembic still, she harvests locally sourced plant material and distills for hydrosol and essential oils, leaving a light footprint on the earth. Cheryl also makes balms, salves and incense.

Alongside her partner Mike, she is the custodian of Solum Farm on Yaegl country Northern NSW. Solum is a certified organic farm producing medicinal herbs, limes and essential oils. Solum Farm is a place to educate and inspire from Seed to Soul bringing people and plant medicine together offering a venue on which to learn and grow.

Cheryl & Mike also created the Organic Matters Foundation to help other farmers in the Pacific area improve their soil and in doing so, improve their lives. From this belief grew Soil School, a training program designed to teach soil sustainability practices in developing countries such as Fiji, Palau, Samoa, PNG and the Solomon Islands.

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SpeakerElla Rose Goninan