Audrey O'Donnell-Parr

Audrey O’Donnell-Parr

Front-line activist, Climate Resilience facilitator, musician

Audrey is an enthusiastic and articulate 14-year-old with a passion for life and colourful socks. With a love for nature and the natural world she does what she can to create a positive future. Living on rural properties most of her life and being educated in the Steiner philosophy, Audrey has developed a sense of purpose and expression in her local community. 

Audrey has spoken at multiple Tweed Shire Council meetings against water mining, attended several school strikes for climate, and made a speech at the Pottsville Strike. She has co-facilitated a number of Environmental Workshops with the Joyality Group after completing Youth Leadership Training in Climate Resilience with them. Audrey has taken part in a number of protests including a Brisbane climate action march with Extinction Rebellion, the Bentley blockade and stopping water mining trucks in Uki. She also has a keen interest in the creative and performing arts and is a regular performer with the Tweed Theatre Company, as well as an experienced violinist of over 5 years.

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